NEW!THE CHRONICLES FILE99The Four Horsemen together again for the first time since the Bronze Age: Feb 26-28 1999 |
The Noah's Ark SiteAn episode guide, sounds and pictures from the new ITV series Noah's Ark, starring Peter Wingfield |
New! Kat's Eurosounds - Season 6A page dedicated to sound bites from the Eurominutes of Series 6, HL:TS |
'Cleansing Fire'A Duncan and Methos FanFic in three parts. |
This page is hosted on Tripod
A collection of soundclips of PW's voice from the Archers and elsewhere, in Real Audio Format only. |
New! Paul and Kat's Season 5Hosted on Paul Edmonds site: an episode a week, with synopsis, full script of the Eurominutes, pictures and Eurosounds (in .wav format). plus as ever on Tripod: |
'Aftermath'A Post-Revelations FanFic in three parts |
Highlander: the Television Series began as a spin off from the Highlander films starring Christopher Lambert, but has long since acquired a life (and a time line) of their own. HL:TS follows the life of Duncan MacLeod, born in 1592 in the Highlands of Scotland, and still alive today. As he said himself in the introduction to the first series - 'I am immortal, and I am not alone.'
The series has now completed in its fifth series, series six is about halfway through in the US and has just started broadcasting in the UK. Duncan MacLeod is played by Adrian Paul, an English-born actor, dancer, choreographer and martial arts expert. Over the years he has been joined by a number of regular guests and companions - mortal and immortal - but most recently the character that has taken the fans by storm is Methos - the oldest immortal - played by Peter Wingfield. It is by now something of a legend that PW was hired originally to play in just one episode, but the fan reaction was so strong he was brought back a few episodes later to play in the Season 3 finale. Three season later, and he is still around.
Like a lot of others, I have been so fascinated by the characters portrayed in the series, I have had a go at writing some Highlander stories of my own. I have added a few links to sights where some of the best fan-fic can be found. But mine, two three part stories called Cleansing Fire and 'Aftermath', can be found here.
If you aren't already a Highlander Fan then I suggest that before you read any of the stories, you access The Highlander FAQ
Disclaimers: The Concept and characters of Highlander: the Series belong to Davis/Panzer Productions. I am borrowing them without permission. These stories are written purely for reading enjoyments and no money is being generated from them. Please do not distribute these stories without this disclaimer, or without attribution. Thanks.
Small Warning: I don't think you could call this purple, but it might qualify as pale lilac. If you are likely to be offended, do not proceed.
For those of you into timelines and such: I am assuming the present day here comes somewhere between "Till Death" and "Judgement Day".
This is my first attampt at writing a fan-fic: so I am anxious to know what you think. Please e-mail your comments, good or bad, to
When I saw 'Forgive Us Our Trespasses', I felt that both Duncan and Methos must have undertaken quite an emotional journey to get there from where they left off at the end of 'Revelations 6:8'. This is my attempt to fill in what might have happened in between.
Disclaimers: The Concept and characters of Highlander: the Series belong to Davis/Panzer Productions. I am borrowing them without permission. These stories are written purely for reading enjoyments and no money is being generated from them. Please do not distribute these stories without this disclaimer, or without attribution. Thanks.
Small Warning: Some of the images, especially in Part 2, are fairly violent.
I'd love to know what you think. Please e-mail your comments, good or bad, to
There are an extraordinary number of Highlander websites, with more appearing every week, many of them excellent, and all a tribute to the devotion of the fans. Here is just a small sample to get you started.
Lastly, those of you who have already encountered Methos will know that he is a beer lover. So just in case he - or one of his devoted followers - should drop in, here is a link to Phillip's Beer page
![]() ![]() Kat Troth. Want to join the Seacouver webring? |
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Created by Phillip & Catriona Troth
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Last updated 25/05/1998